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UX Updates, Sort Metafields, and more

Tony Spiro's avatar

Tony Spiro

February 25, 2020

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We're happy to let you know about some great user experience improvements. For this release, we focused on improving the Edit Object process, content editor experience, and also squeezed in a request for an improvement to scheduled publishing.

1. Edit Object Improvements
You will now notice that we simplified the edit Object module on the right side of the Dashboard. Along with a less-busy UI, the UX is also greatly improved. Clicking any of the save buttons will now save without a page refresh. This is a much better experience, especially for Objects that have a lot of Metafields which require lots of page scrolling.

2. Sort Metafields
It's our goal to make it easier for developers and content creators to collaborate to build great products together. But, as happens sometimes in product development, we overestimated a content creator feature need. Such is the case for Metafield sorting. 

So the ability to sort Metafields has been removed from the editor role (but still available for developers and admin). BUT, if you do need to allow editors to sort Metafields, this can be added to the user's role in Your Bucket > Settings > Team. Use the "View as editor" switch on each page in the dashboard to see what this experience is like for your content creators.

3. New Revision added when Object is automatically published / unpublished
With scheduled publishing / unpublishing, you can automate when your Objects are available or removed from the API. Now when your Object has been automatically published or unpublished, a new revision will be created to indicate the date of the automatic event. This is good for record-keeping.

4. Give us feedback!
We've also added a quick input area to give us feedback. We would love to hear from you, so drop us a line! :)

We hope you enjoy these new features and updates. Any questions or comments? Reach out to us on Twitter and join the conversation on our Slack channel.