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Introducing Merge for Environment Workflows

Tony Spiro's avatar

Tony Spiro

October 13, 2020

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This feature has been upgraded into a fully-functioning feature. See Merge Requests.

We're excited to release a new feature to help you deploy content updates faster with greater peace of mind. Introducing Merge (currently in Beta), which enables your team to do quick content migrations between Buckets.

How does it work?
With the new Merge feature, you can now copy Objects between Buckets in a few clicks. In addition to our available Bucket data Import / Export, this feature allows for more granular content migrations. A great use case is when performing environment workflows.

What are Environment Workflows?
When developing any digital project, it is good practice to maintain multiple environments to allow for a streamlined quality control process (For example Development, Staging, and Production). The Merge feature fits into this workflow nicely by allowing your team to develop content in one Bucket, then after testing and approvals, Objects can be merged into another Bucket in just a few clicks.

How to use the Merge feature

  1. After logging into your Cosmic account, go to your Bucket dashboard and select any Object Type (make sure you have at least two Buckets on your account).
  2. Select the Objects you would like to merge from the Objects table
  3. From the Bulk Actions dropdown select "Merge to Another Bucket"
  4. Select the target Bucket
  5. Confirm the action by clicking the "Merge to Bucket" button

New Objects will be added, and existing Objects (with the same slug and locale) will be updated. This will also send updates to the Object Type model, Media, and connected Objects if applicable.

We hope you like the new Merge feature to help your team build content powered apps faster with more peace of mind. Merge is currently in beta and we would appreciate your feedback after testing it out in your workflows. Please let us know if you have any questions / comments in our Slack channel, and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates to the Cosmic Headless CMS.