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Easy Cosmic Browser Example

Tony Spiro's avatar

Tony Spiro

January 04, 2016

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It's now faster and easier to make the content on your webpages dynamic.  The Official Cosmic JavaScript Client now comes with a minified browser version that allows you to add the power of Cosmic cloud-hosted content into your HTML page with a single file.  Download the Cosmic browser file then copy and paste this real-working browser example into an html file to check it out:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Cosmic Easy Browser Example</title>
<h1 id="title">If you see this, something isn't working...</h1>
<div id="content"></div>
<div id="metafields"></div>
<script src="cosmicjs.browser.min.js"></script>
var config = {
  bucket: {
    slug: 'easy-browser-example'
  object: {
    slug: 'home'
Cosmic.getObject(config, config.object, function(err, res) {
  var object = res.object;
  document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = object.title;
  document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = object.content;
  var metafields = object.metafields;
  var images = '';
    images += '<h2>' + metafield.title + '</h2>';
    images += '<img width="300" src="' + metafield.value + '"/>';
    images += '<br><br>';
  document.getElementById('metafields').innerHTML = images;

Sign in to your Cosmic account and connect this example to one of your buckets to see how easy it is to create powerful CMS-powered websites and app with Cosmic.