Tony Spiro
August 04, 2016
There is a powerful trend happening in technology. It is a shift from confined, installed systems into a more free, micro-services economy. This can be seen in the consumer space from people choosing to stream music instead of downloading MP3s, choosing to Uber to work rather than drive their personal car and people choosing to order groceries to their door from Amazon instead of going to the grocery store.
Cosmic is taking this empowering concept to web development.
We no longer need nor should we be putting our content in a box. There is a vast array of devices from desktop to mobile to watches to cars that need flexible and easily accessible content. The only way to provide content to these destinations is to start our content in the place it will eventually need to go: the API. Cosmic provides you with a powerful CMS API that will scale your digital properties and your business.
What does the Cosmic Stack look like?
Since we have seen enormous benefits by removing the installed CMS, we decided to remove web hosting as well. Now your application stack only needs the Cosmic CMS API and a code repository. What was once a mess of connections between various applications and servers is now boiled down to simply:
1. GitHub repo
2. Cosmic CMS API
3. Cosmic app server
Why is this so powerful?
The Cosmic Stack is big because you no longer need to maintain or configure infrastructure for your website or app. You now only have two places to review work, Cosmic and GitHub. No longer do you have to worry about code being deployed improperly or someone pushing up the wrong branch to your hosted server. Everything is set to be put into a process of checks and balances within your team. No longer do you have to worry about files or data being out of sync between testing, staging and live instances. All content, data and files are synced to the Cosmic API.
Whatβs the benefit?
The benefit is in development hours saved and sanity. No installation. No configuration. Just content and code. Your content is hosted in Cosmic and your code is pushed from your GitHub repo to the Cosmic app server.
Some folks using the Cosmic Stack have reported a 75% reduction in dev time spent and an overall faster, less complicated and more streamlined development process.
The Cosmic Stack helps teams be more efficient and can dramatically increase your project's bottom line. Try the Cosmic Stack out and let us know what you think. Join us on our Slack channel or reach out to me on twitter. I look forward to seeing what you build!