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Webinar Recap: The Power of Webhook Automation

Carson Gibbons's avatar

Carson Gibbons

October 05, 2018

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In this tutorial, Cosmic co-founder Tony Spiro takes you on a tour of Cosmic Webhooks. Learn how webhooks work, see how to easily create integrations with Slack, auto-deploy websites to Netlify, and get an intro to Cosmic Functions. Thanks to everyone who attended our live Webhooks Webinar this week, but if you missed it, check out the video and be sure to attend our next one. 🚀

Webinar Recap: The Power of Webhook Automation 

Tony Spiro introduces workflows users can create with Cosmic Webhooks, Integrations and Functions. Whether it's integrating with Slack to notify your team of content edits, auto-deploying websites to Netlify that are automatically rebuilt upon content edits or starting to experiment with Functions, Cosmic provides integrations that helps teams of developers and marketers build apps faster, together. 


If you have any comments or questions about building apps with Cosmic, reach out to us on Twitter and join the conversation on Slack.