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Adding Webhooks in 4 Steps

Carson Gibbons's avatar

Carson Gibbons

September 26, 2016

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At Cosmic, we get questions every day about adding Webhooks to an application for better team & product management. Cosmic is an API-first cloud-based content management platform that allows you to easily integrate a CMS to your deployed or emerging application for content updates. Cosmic works by decoupling content from code, allowing you to build applications in your desired language since Cosmic can be integrated with any application, regardless of its programming language.

Cosmic makes it easy to add Webhooks that trigger a POST request to the endpoint of your choice when there is activity on your bucket. 

Let's insert Webhooks into your web application:

1. Go to your Bucket Dashboard

2. Go to the Webhooks tab

3. Add the Webhooks bucket upgrade - refer to Cosmic Pricing for bucket breakdowns

4. Use the Webhooks table to select an event and trigger a POST request to the API endpoint

Now this will post to the endpoint of your choice whenever the event signified occurs. This is great for static websites & great for the build process whenever content is changed. You can send a message on Slack to your team whenever you’ve added a new piece of content for draft review. Cosmic builds collaboration between developers & content editors in everything we do, because we work content-first.

Watch the Webhooks Tutorial: 


Read More:

  1. New: Track Your API Requests
  2. Build a Blog in 4 Steps
  3. The Cosmic Stack
  4. Three Ways to use The Cosmic Stack
  5. How to Create an Intuitive Website Navigation Menu