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Nuxt.js Website Boilerplate

Waqas Arshad's avatar

Waqas Arshad

March 20, 2018

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Check out this website boilerplate built on Nuxt.js and Cosmic. It satisfies some common website requirements including dynamic pages, blog articles, author management, SEO ability, contact form and website search.


Download the GitHub repo
Check out the demo.


1. Fully responsive down to mobile w/ Bootstrap frontend
2. SEO ready
3. A contact form that sends an email to your email(s) of choice and to Cosmic for easy reference
4. Full-site search functionality
5. All content is easily managed in Cosmic including pages, blog and contact info. Sign up for Cosmic to install the demo content and deploy this website. 

Get started 

git clone
cd nuxtjs-website-boilerplate
npm install

Import the bucket.json file into your Cosmic bucket. To do this go to Your Bucket > Settings > Import / Export Data. 

 Run in production 

COSMIC_BUCKET=your-bucket-slug npm start 

Go to http://localhost:3000 

Run in development 

Create a config/development.js file and match it to config/production.js with your values. 

 npm run development 

 Go to http://localhost:5000

Env vars

As it states on the Nuxt.js website, you will need to set the environment variable HOST to  This is already done in the package.json script for you, but you could also set this on the "Set Environment Variables" section located in Your Bucket > Settings > Deploy Web App.


Because Node.js doesn't have a mail server, the contact form uses mailgun to send the email. So add the following constants in the config file.