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Helpful Resources and Examples

Tony Spiro's avatar

Tony Spiro

October 20, 2015

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Did you know that we have some great resources available over on our GitHub page?  Use these packages, examples and clients to help you build your next big project or contribute to an existing one.


1. Cosmic Node Package

- This is a great package for your Node.js app.  
Easily add this to your JS setup with npm install cosmicjs

2. Cosmic Browser Package

- This is a great package for your your browser-based apps.  
Easily add this to your JS setup with npm install cosmicjs-browser

3. Cosmic PHP Client

- This is the official PHP client that makes adding a CMS to your PHP app a breeze.

Example Websites

1. Astral (PHP)

- This is a really cool PHP single page application built using the PHP client on an frontend.

- This is a single page React app that uses React Router and the Flux pattern.  The pages load fast!

I hope you find that these links and resources help you learn more about building with the Cosmic content API.  If you have any questions about the API, you can learn more in the Cosmic API Documentation.