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How to Import and Export Your Cosmic Bucket

Carson Gibbons's avatar

Carson Gibbons

February 13, 2018

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One of the many benefits of using a Content Management API like Cosmic over an installed content management system is the portability and scalability of the applications and content models you can create. Importing and exporting your Cosmic Buckets is easy, and allows for quick backups, prototyping and more. In this blog I briefly outline the importing and exporting process within Cosmic. 

Export a JSON Bucket

Navigate to Bucket > Settings > Import / Export. To download your data and files into a bucket.json file click "Export".

Import a JSON Bucket

Navigate to Bucket > Settings > Import / Export. To import a Bucket's data and files, upload the bucket.json file. This is the same file that is downloaded when you export a Bucket's data and files. 

Warning: Importing a new Bucket removes all current data and files in your Bucket. This does not, however, affect users or settings.

I hope that you've found this tutorial helpful. If you have questions or comments about Content Editor Features in the Cosmic system, I'd love to hear about them.